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♯♭♪ (*^.^*) : Archie Shepp 0 1 2 3 4 5/ Things Have Got to Change    :      閉塞は皆無、無用の反芻も見あたらず。  迎合や、妥協、虚飾、搾取などのかけらも存在せず。  一切が新らしく、とれとれの真っ赤な血がどくどく奔流している。  鋭利な切り口、そそりたつ極彩色の新鮮、奇想、そして慎ましいけれど剛健に裏打ちされている。  忍耐、力闘、強行、うらやましい頑張り。  挑戦的な意志力に満ちた、圧に抗する勇気、衝動、歓びが限りなく、止めどなく沸き起こる。  早朝や黄昏の壮大な光景、果てしない草の海が丘や山で背をもたげ、ゆったりと波立ち、霧が沸き立ち、広大な静寂が立ちこめている。  夜明けの雲は沈痛な壮烈さを充たして輝き、夕焼けの雲は燦爛たる壮烈さで炎上する。  そそり立つ積乱雲が陽の激情に侵され、宮殿が燃え上がるのを見る。  ダージリンの精妙な半透明が、第七銀河への航路を開いてくれる。 A. Shepp(Ss,Ts, Main Performer)、Joe Lee Wilson(Vo)、L. Jenkins(Vin)、Ted Daniels(Tp)、G. Moncur III(Tb)、D. Burrell(P)、B. Harris(Ds)、Cal Massey(Kbds)、Release Date: May 17, 1971。

♯♭♪ (*^.^*) : Overture 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :     Handel/ Water Music -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -Overture -Air -Allegro -Andante -Adagio -Suite No 3 in G Suite no.1-1 no.2 no.3 Xerxes Alcina Fireworks -1 -2 -3 Messiah -Overture -..a child is born -Pastoral.. -1   Bach/ Orch.. SuiteBWV1067 1 2 〃1068 1 Sarabande BWV 831 Partita no.4 in D mj   Saint Saens/ Samson et Dalila 1 2 La princesse jaune Spartacus 1 2   Berlioz/ Le Corsaire 1 Waverly Les Francs-Juges The Tempest -1 -2 Roman Carnival Béatrice et Bénédict 1 Benvenuto Cellini The King Lear -1 -2   Verdi/ Nabucco 1 Rigoletto Giovanna d'Arco La Forza Del Destino 1 2 Les vêpres siciliennes La traviata Aida -1 -2 Don Carlo Attila Macbeth -1 -2 -3 Otello   Mozart/ Don Giovanni 1 4 5 Figaro 1 2 3 Die EnfuhrungThe Magic Flute 1 2 3 Tito Idomeneo   Mendelssohn/ Hebrides-1 -2 1 Night's Dream-1 -2 Hebrides-1 -2 1 Meerestille und glückliche Fahrt Trumpet Athalie Le nozze di Camacho   Weber/ Der Freischütz 1 2 3 Oberon 1 Jubel Ouverture Der Beherrscher der Geister   Sibelius/ Karelia   Wagner/ The flying Dutchman 1 2 4 Tannhause -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 Lohengrin Prelude 1 2 3 4 Rienzi-1 -2 Die Meistersinger-1 -2 1 2 3 4 5 Tristan Isolde Prelude -1 -2 -1 -2 1 Gotterdamerung Prelude -Schau, du Schelm! -Finale 1 Valkyries The RIde 1 2 3

♯♭♪ (*^.^*) : Henry Grimes 0 1 2 3/ ☆□You Tube Search :     ♫ Play List -Henry Grimes  ♫Topic ♫Top Tracks*  Fish Story Sounds and Colors A Stone Communion Profound Sound Trio Walk On J. Moondoc Quartet @ The Stone Edward Wilkerson on Fire! Memorial at the Clef Club Olive Oil String Bass Player Henry Grimes Trio Profound Sound Trio Purity Marc Ribot Trio -1 -2 -3 Enter, evening Steps marc ribot trio..London 2011 London 2011 1 London Live 28Oct 2011 Chicago, March 2011 Hamid Drake Trio Vision Festival 17 - June 12 2012 @ Cafe Oto 12.12.11 Vision Festival 2003 -1 -2 -3 By Matt Archibald September 4, 2010  Vincent Davis, David Boykin -1 -2 -3 SPIRITUAL UNITY -1 -2 1 SPIRITUAL UNITY TAKE FIVE Autumn Leaves - 10.14.2008 Henry Grimes w. T. Aoki, F., and C. Taylor Amiri Baraka reads Black Art  The Long And Winding Toad Walking Again After All These Years  Spirits Rejoice Unite Whisper Not Lennie Bird No Problem MARZETTE & COMPANY  full album* :

♯♭♪ (*^.^*) : Magazine 1/ ☆□You Tube Search :     ♫ Top Tracks for Magazine * 0 1   Give Me Everything 1 Definitive Gaze Twenty Years Ago  Because You're Frightened Thank You (Falletinme Be Mice Elf Again)  Parade Model Worker The Light Pours Out Of Me Permafrost  A Song From Under The Floorboards  Caroline Smith Give Me Everything Permafrost You Never Knew Me i'm a party Thank You Because You're Frightened Definitive Gaze Rhythm of Cruelty 1 2 Feed The Enemy Cut Out Shapes Parade 1 The Light Pours Out Of Me 1 2 Other Thematic Material Shot By Both Sides 1 Touch And Go Motorcade Do The Meaning The Great Man's Secret 1 Philadelphia Because You're Frightened 1 Back to Nature Believe That I Understand Cut-Out Shapes THE THIN AIR 1 FEED THE ENEMY Sweetheart Contract Boredom My Mind Ain't So Open Holy Dotage The Worst Of Progress 1 TALK TO THE BODY Stuck Hello Mister Curtis Physics I Want to Burn Again About the Weather Vigilance TV Baby Upside Down I'm a party Live Rockpalast,October 1980 -1~



nice! 172